Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Here are a bunch of really old screen grabs from work I did on Pirates of the Burning Sea :D These were all environments that I modeled, textured, lit, and assembled. Each town took approximately 2 months to complete, on average they were about 500k tri's each.

Above is a screen grab from Maya of the town Jenny Bay, Below is a sample of the textures and light maps that I created for various Pirates towns. The light maps for Pirates were baked by hand in 3ds Max and then adjusted in Photoshop. My process was to bake out an occlusion pass, an overall direct lighting pass, and a localized light pass and then composite them in Photoshop. The average town had roughly 50 light maps so I would create an action in Photoshop to make consistent changes across the series of light maps.

Below are a few of the prop assets that I created for Pirates. These were used as dynamic placer objects that we could add to towns for missions.

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